Wednesday, June 13, 2012

House Sitting - this is what I do...

When you work a lot, and play almost as much, what time is there left for making a home... Plenty!!  But ... over the last 8 months, I have been house sitting... and discovering new suburbs, great house design, wonderful people, and a peace of mind.

Initially it was a measure of austerity.. I was never at home really, and so paying rent for a space to sit empty seemed a luxury I could forgo, as business was tight...
Now, I am actually in the swing of less is more.. consumables are habit, I don't need things, so it allows space to consider ... consider who to spend time with, who to eat with, who to spend with ...

Its not for everyone, and there are traps that can easily be fallen into, I have done house sitting before, and sometime may have stayed with friends longer than I should ( in between actual house sits) I am however really enjoying it..

So, if you know of anyone that is going away for longer than 14 days, and would welcome the idea of someone looking after cats, watering plants, cleaning gardens, and turning lights on ( and off) then please let me know.....  you can contact me here through the blog...

I have references, and am very low impact...
Thanking you in advance!